Stud Principals


While recent classing our young rams we made the observation that between Trigger Vale Stud Principals Jim and Andrew along with sheep classer Michael Elmes we had over 85 years sheep breeding and classing experience to draw upon we have added to the team Mark Ferguson, Nextgen our genetic advisor, which would put us well over the 100 years of experience . Being one of Australia’s most progressive and innovative sheep studs it’s fantastic that we have of this level of practical experience to draw upon to ensure we get both the genotype and phenotype right.



Andrew Bouffler


  • 25 years hands-on Stud Sheep experience
  • Executive Committee Superwhites Breeding Group
  • Past President Australian Bond Sheep Breeders Association
  • Present Secretary Australian Bond Sheep Breeders Association
  • 2006 Nuffield Scholar – Study topic: Dual Purpose Sheep Genetics
  • Bachelor of Agricultural Economics – UNE Armidale
  • Deputy Chairman Southern Agventure
  • Board Member of Southern Ag Grain
  • Sheep CRC – Rutherglen Site Advisory Committee
  • Past Director Sheep Genetics Advisory Board
  • Graduate Australian Institute of Company Directors
  • 2009 Graduate Duchy College Leadership Course – Devon,UK